2009年2月24日 星期二

師生家長盡心協力 譜寫「鮮魚行傳奇」

【明報專訊】大角嘴鮮魚行學校一些片 片斷斷,經常見諸報章,最新一樁是該校推行的交齊功課換食物計劃,改造了一名本來「例必欠交功課」的學生,使他變得準時交功課。這個片斷,再一次說明鮮魚 行學校校方在熱心社會人士協助下,悉心教導學生,引導學生向善,取得成績。此事使得「鮮魚行學校傳奇」,增添感人故事。



故 事主人翁是一名小二學生,入讀小一以來例必欠交功課,校方去年底推行交齊功課換食物計劃後,這名學生「突變」,準時交功課,每周換取食物回家,包括臘腸、 午餐肉、白米等。原來這名學生家境清貧,一家五口,靠父親經營「收買佬」生意為生,在金融海嘯後,生意收入跌至每月約1萬元,扣除舖租及屋租後,餘下約 2000元就是全家的生活費,遲交租、遲交電費更是司空見慣。金融海嘯前廢鐵售價每斤2元,上周急跌至每斤1角,收入大跌,生計開支更是捉襟見肘,每日只 有20元買菜,以現時物價之貴,多數只能買些廉價魚、菜頭菜尾佐餐,該名學生憑覑交齊功課,換取食物,為家人加餸。

這名學生的轉變,可能有 人認為與物質鼓勵有關,不足為法。教育理論當然不能忽視,但是鮮魚行學校這個做法,使得一名小二學生為了改善家中「伙食」而奮鬥,對於這名小孩子,是何等 深刻的洗禮和頓悟,對於這名小孩子的父母和家人,是何等安慰。相信天下間的父母得此「生性」兒子,都會感到驕傲。古時以「書中自有黃金屋」來激勵讀書人, 鮮魚行學校這一幕,卻是「書中自有午餐肉」。對於這一家人,這樣得來的午餐肉,吃來更甘香可口。相信不少教育工作者都想教出這樣的學生,鮮魚行學校做到 了。

鮮魚行學校近年聲名大噪,主要得力於校長梁紀昌所率領的教師團隊。這所學校,在梁紀昌於2002年辭去教署工作、入主當校長之前,校舍 破爛,教師怠惰,學生散漫,校內情之壞可謂臭名遠播。梁紀昌主持校務之後,大刀闊斧改革,請來一批志同道合的教師打拼,縱使2004和07年兩度面臨 「殺校」,都在師生、家長協力下,渡過難關,到去年度小一、小二收生都達標,重新獲得政府資助。





(1)校長與他所率領教師團隊的盡心盡力。該校學生大多家境清貧(有42%學生來自綜援家庭或領取金額書簿津貼),家長為口奔馳,無暇照顧子女學習,據知校長和老師逐一登門造訪家長,以了解學生的處境,使學校與家長之間建立起良好互動,取得家 長信任,有利於對學生因材施教。加上採取開放校園等措施,校長教師與學生之間打成一片,據知,小息時,許多時候學生會湧進校長室,與校長攬頭攬頸,校長甚 至讓學生坐校長椅,說是要讓學生體會一下將來做校長的感覺。校園這種氛圍,學生渴望上課,學習事半功倍,自然不在話下。

(2)梁紀昌校長不 以「窮學校、窮學生」為恥,開誠布公反而贏得支持取得大量資源。鮮魚行校內被形容為一個「二手市場」,大至教師桌子,小至花園藤椅,都是熱心人送贈。現在 校內桌椅大小不一,有的木製,有的是L形,有的大得可以睡覺。這種不規則,對於學生可能是最佳教材,讓學生切身體驗珍惜、節儉之美德。香港社會相對富裕, 許多時候人們棄用的物品,其實仍然簇新可用,鮮魚行擺出一副「窮樣」,得以廣納大批剩餘物資,做法聰明可取。

(3)教師對學生的照顧,除了 學業,還有生活。例如少數同學獲校方安排,每隔兩星期便把學校收集得來的廢紙,送到附近的回收商變賣。所得金錢雖然不多,特別是金融海嘯之後,廢紙價格大 跌,學校仍然盡量幫助清貧學生。另外,還有回收舊校服、書包或學期末以每本1元回收校簿等,諸如此類做法,除了金錢以外,最重要是使同學們領略環保信息, 這種言傳身教,學生在潛移默化中,對其人格塑造和建立積極的人生觀,會有莫大得益。

(4)許多人都認為香港人冷漠,但是鮮魚行變革過程中, 個別社會人士所顯露熱情,為「鮮魚行傳奇」提供了一定物質條件。例如交齊功課換食物計劃,就是有熱心人接連捐贈各種食物所致,這些有心人去年聖誕節,還給 該校師生每人送贈一盒臘腸及鴨遤腸,其心細如塵,使人感動。又例如該校上一學年,獲熱心人捐出1萬元,讓20名學生得以參加劍橋英語試,其中6人得到滿 分,全部報考學生在口試都獲滿分,成績之佳,使人刮目相看。還有是去年3、4月間流感肆虐之時,有新潮涼茶舖給學校送去300多盒包括雞骨草、夏枯草、花 旗參蜜等飲料,供師生抗擊流感。




鮮 魚行學校從其學生背景到校內景,在在顯示一個「窮」字,但是鮮魚行學校師生之「富有」,卻使得許多教育工作者欽羨。近日,英基學校向當局申請約6億元用 以興建兩所校舍,日後英基這校舍外觀之美輪美奐和學生家境之優越,鮮魚行學校、學生當然望塵莫及,但是「鮮魚行傳奇」所演繹的富有內涵,誰又可以說英基學 校較鮮魚行學校「富有」?


2009年2月12日 星期四

Nature Aquarium Fertilization

Nature Aquarium Fertilization

There are various products available for adding nutrients to a planted tank, but adding nutrients can affect the condition of aquatic plants and an aquarium adversely unless a truly necessary nutrient is added when it is needed. This article discusses how to select and use a suitable fertilizer depending on the condition of an aquarium.

Necessary nutrients for aquatic plants

Aquatic plants absorb necessary nutrients through the surfaces of their leaves and from their roots. The three major nutrients that plants need in large amounts are nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. In an aquarium, nitrogen and phosphate are supplied rather excessively from fish waste, uneaten food, and dead leaves, and therefore it is often not necessary to add them. On the other hand, potassium tends to run short and therefore needs to be replenished. There are other nutrients that aquatic plants need. Although iron and other trace elements are required in small amounts, deficiencies of these cause plants to grow poorly. Leaves may bleach or turn yellow, or the plants become stunted and weak.

Removing excessive nutrients

Excessive nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphate, are not completely absorbed by aquatic plants and remain in water. Various algae use them and proliferate in the aquarium. The excess nutrients need to be removed to prevent algae from developing. The easiest way to accomplish this is to do water changes. Adding necessary nutrients after removing excess nutrients is the key to proper fertilization of a planted aquarium.

Potassium shortage

Potassium has important functions in the body of a plant such as facilitating protein synthesis. Deficiency of it causes photosynthesis to become sluggish, and leaves may bleach. Although potassium is an extremely important nutrient for maintaining a planted aquarium, it tends to run short since its supply in an aquarium is very limited. Therefore potassium needs to be added continually. Brighty K allows us to add potassium easily. Adding a proper amount daily enables us to grow healthy aquatic plants over a long time. Since Brighty K also neutralizes chlorine in tap water, it is great for water changes in a planted aquarium.

Adding nutrients based on the condition of an aquarium

The condition of an aquarium varies from aquarium to aquarium. The amount of nutrients to be added depends on the condition of an aquarium. Let us examine how it should be determined.

Selecting a regimen by aquarium stage

Let us examine the condition in three steps based on the amount of time passed since the initial set up of an aquarium.

1. A newly set up aquarium
Plants that are purchased for a newly set-up planted aquarium are often emersed grown plants, and they tend to lose lower leaves. Even if they have submersed grown leaves, their lower leaves may melt due to a change in the water quality. This causes the nitrogen content of the water to rise considerably. If its filter is also newly set up, the condition of microorganisms in the filter is not adequate yet to purify the water, and therefore the water quality is not stable. Newly planted aquatic plants do not start growing and absorbing nutrients right away. All these factors create a condition in which algae develop easily. It is necessary to remove excessive nitrogen through water changes to resolve this situation. Diligent water changes supplement the lack of filtering capacity. It is important to encourage plant growth and let the plants take up nutrients in order to create the condition under which algae cannot grow well. Green Brighty STEP1 is a liquid fertilizer suitable for this period. It is a well balanced mix of various trace elements required for the development of new shoots and roots. It encourages the development of healthy new shoots. It can be added without fear of inducing algae since it does not contain nitrogen, phosphate, or potassium.

2. An aquarium with vigorously growing aquatic plants
If an aquarium is maintained well after setting it up, the water quality stabilizes in one to three months, and aquatic plants will grow densely. In such an aquarium, aquatic plants grow fast and run out of trace elements resulting in bleaching of leaves. Therefore one must be careful to replenish these trace elements. Green Brighty STEP2 is a fertilizer intended for this period. It allows you to replenish trace elements easily. Since it is fortified with iron in particular in a form that is readily absorbed by aquatic plants, it is quite suitable for the aquarium where aquatic plants are growing fast, and it prevents bleaching of leaves. This product does not contain nitrogen, phosphate, or potassium either.

3. An aquarium more than one year old
In an aquarium that has been set up for a long time, the growth of aquatic plants slows due to declining conditions such as a hardening substrate. An aquarium in such a condition, which may be considered a sign of aging of a planted aquarium, can be rejuvenated by invigorating aquatic plants and enjoyed over a long time. Green Brighty STEP3 is used for such a case. It replenishes iron, various other trace elements essential for physiological responses, and potassium, and thus revitalizes aquatic plants. It does not contain nitrogen and phosphate.

Selecting by plant type

Different plants have different growth speeds, and their nutrient uptake differs depending on their growth speed as well. Their growth speed also changes with the condition of aquarium environment. Let’s look at the different ways fertilizers are used to accommodate them.

1. An aquarium with a lot of light-loving, fast-growing aquatic plants
Heliophytic plants that love a bright environment grow fast and absorb a lot of nutrients proportionately. In an aquarium planted with a lot of these plants, nitrogen and phosphate, which tend to be excessive in other aquariums, become depleted. Nitrogen and phosphate can also become deficient if the number of fish is small in comparison to the volume of aquatic plants, or when an aquarium has been set up for a long time and the nutrients in Power Sand in the substrate are depleted. Under such conditions aquatic plants cannot grow, and the symptoms of deficiency such as bleaching leaves show up. Green Brighty Special LIGHTS (for heliophytic aquatic plants) is a general fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and various trace elements. It is suitable for an aquarium in which aquatic plants are growing densely and nutrients tend to be depleted fast.

2. An aquarium with slow-growing aquatic plants
Aquatic plants that can be grown without a very strong light, such as Anubias, ferns, and Cryptocoryne, grow gradually, and it takes time for them to become dense. The substrate tends to get old and harden from oxidation over time. This often causes root rot and hinders the growth of plants. Green Brighty Special SHADE is a general fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphate, and trace elements and supplies effectively the nutrients that sciophytic aquatic plants require.

3. An aquarium with aquatic plants with strong root systems
Echinodorus and Cryptocoryne are the type of plants that grow by spreading strong roots in the substrate. When setting the substrate, Power Sand is laid as a base fertilizer to supply nutrients to aquatic plants continuously. This is especially effective for aquatic plants with strong root systems. However, the nutrients become depleted over time as these aquatic plants grow steadily. The nutrients must be added before it runs out. Iron Bottom and Multi Bottom are handy for this purpose. These stick type solid fertilizers can be inserted into the substrate easily. We recommend applying them in a half to one year after setting up an aquarium.

A convenient dispenser bottle

It is not a good idea to add a week’s worth of liquid fertilizer once a week to replenish necessary nutrients to aquatic plants. It is important that a necessary nutrient always exist in the amount required without excess. If a lot of it is added at once, the excess will be used by algae. It would be ideal to add a small amount of necessary nutrients continuously. More practically, one can add daily the amount of nutrients that aquatic plants absorb in one day. The dispenser bottle of the Brighty series is handy for this task. The daily dosage in milliliters is displayed on each bottle of Brighty series fertilizer. This is only a guideline for a standard planted aquarium. The actual dosage varies depending on the volume of aquatic plants and their growth condition (See the instructions provided with each product.) The bottle dispenses approximately 1 ml each time the pump is depressed. The desired amount of fertilizer is added by simply counting the number of depressions. This enables you to add the right amount of fertilizer without excess or deficiency and prevents algae development caused by excess nutrient addition. It is important to add a fertilizer regularly every day while monitoring the condition of aquatic plants.

Deep sea water

Deep sea water is very pure and rich in various minerals. Deep sea water has attracted a lot of attention in recent years and it is utilized widely by the fishery industry and various other fields. Green Brighty STEP1, STEP2, STEP3, Special LIGHT, and Special SHADE contain deep sea water that was pumped up from the Sado Strait in Niigata prefecture. It is rich in minerals and therefore very effective for growing aquatic plants.

Necessary nutrients for aquatic plants

Aquatic plants require various substances as nutrients to grow. Sulfur, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and other elements in addition to nitrogen, phosphate and potassium need to be supplied in a well balanced manner.